Senin, 03 November 2008

The Beginning of Singapore Piaget Academy

The Beginning of Singapore Piaget Academy - Solo Raya

We cannot deny the influence and existence of globalization around us these days. New technologies have evolved rapidly. For instance, just imagine what a mobile phone can do now a days. It can serve as a phone, multimedia gadget, personal computer, and much more. All these have happened in a very short period of time.

To the same extent, like education development in Indonesia , the government has opened its doors to the international global market. There are hundreds of international schools which have grown tremendously in the big cities of Indonesia -- Jakarta , Surabaya , Medan and Bandung . Now slowly this stream of international schools is flowing towards the smaller cities of Indonesia . This means that places like Solo would have a tremendous amount of educational development opportunities in the future.

We have all come to understand how important it is for us to keep up with the new development of international education.

So many families here in Solo have been sending their children to study abroad at a very young age. This proves that most parents are concerned about providing the best education for their children. Sending a child overseas at such a young age has never been a comfortable ride for the parents. They worry about the negative behaviour that their child might develop in living in a different environment. Most importantly, they are anxious about the social gap between them and their children resulting from sending kids to study abroad.

Also, the parents worry about how much they have to spend to support their children's education--funds being injected to other countries instead of their own.

Let's imagine what would happen to our beloved city, Solo Raya, in the future if we had never done anything to keep up with the globalization. A global, social and academic change is knocking at our door. If we would not upgrade our educational level to global standards, we would fall behind rapidly. With time passing so fast, we will only create a lost generation--a generation which will be terrified by the revolution of this new changing world.

It has been two years since we had a dream to have our own international school, one that will serve our community in and around Solo.

It all started on the 1st of April 2005 , when 10 prominent businessmen in Solo sat together with Mr. William Yiu, the pioneer and the consultant of The Piaget Academy, to realize this Piaget Academy , to realize this dream. These prominent businessmen were Bp. Lukminto, Bp. Hartono Setyo, Mr. Arief Nugroho, Mr. Robby Sumampow, Mr. Henry Suryanto, Mr. Hendarto Prasetiyo, Mr. Ageng, Mr. Kunto Harjono, and Mr. Wiryawan Arya.

It took them only a few hours to set up the company PT. Bina Insan Mulia, which funded our school building. All of them were genuinely concerned about the importance of quality education for the future generation in Solo Raya. We would like to thank them and we appreciate their social commitment and all the sacrifices they have made so that we will be in line with the rest of the world. With their kind help, our future generation will stand with their heads held high among the rest of the world.

Not long after the first meeting, on the 8th of August 2005 , PT. Bina Insan Mulia signed a mutual agreement with PT Piaget Indonesia to confirm our commitment to build the best international school in our town. I am glad to say that the Piaget Schools are the only schools in Indonesia that are certified and governed directly by the Ministry of Education of Singapore through Singapore Examinations & Assessment Board (SEAB). Now this achievement puts us on the right track and with this our school will be able to obtain professional guidance of world-class education for our children.

Three months later, on the 12th of November 2005 , we inaugurated our building construction by organizing a piling ceremony which was officiated by our Bupati Sukoharjo, Bp Bambang Riyanto. Not long after the piling, we began our building construction. We would like to express our gratitude for our own pioneer, Mr. William Yiu, who spent a lot of his time drawing and monitoring the architecture of our well-designed building. He also shared his belief that when it comes to world-class education, no student should be left behind. The standards and facilities of the school building should be able to accommodate all that.

To be honest, it was not an easy task to bring new ideas into our community. It took a lot of courage and endless tears to convince the people about the importance of early childhood education. Many people had little out schedule. We just cannot express our deepest appreciation to our parents who have believed in us from the very beginning. We believe that we will serve and teach the children of Solo to be the best. Here they will be able to make their hidden talents and capabilities shine. Most importantly, studying will be fun and joyful. They will be able to excel in their learning journey in this school.

On July 31st, 2006 , with the help of our professional Board of Governors, Board of Management, strong faculty members, staff administration and our well-committed parents, we marked our first day of school with hearts full of enthusiasm, confidence, and great hope. Together, we will realize our vision of tomorrow today.

for further details, please contact :



Jl. Raya Jlopo No.20, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo

Phone : +62 271 6727009 ; Fax : +62 271 6727006

e :

Senin, 30 Juni 2008

direct upgrade batch from WM5 to WM6.1

direct upgrade batch from WM5 to WM6.1

we use a new upgrade for WM5 to WM6.1 upgrade
take your time arround 10 minute, very easy.....

Now, here comes a direct upgrade batch from WM5 to WM6.1 tool for ONLY
for those CANNOT successfully flash the hardSPL (e.g. same spl after HardSPL flashes),
place your favorite xxx.nbf, double click the Upgrade.cmd,
then follow the clicks on PC, thats it !!

* extract the file "" from
* after u download a new ROM, like at
or u can se from :
* copy your nbf file (from new ROM after u extract) to the "Direct_5_to_61_tool" folder
* then run "UPGRADE.CMD"
* remember your device is G3 or G4 ????? IMPORTANT
* wait just around 10 minutes
* finish...
* after success setup, hard reset again with using :
1. Open "Today => Settings => Clear Storage"
2. Enter "1234" as instructed
3. Hit "YES" in the bottom-bar
* if u want another ROM, just repeat from 1st step (delete nbf file and then replace with
new nbf from the new ROM file that u already download).

some hints ~~
if error persists while upgrading with this tool,

Please ask yourself...
1. did I softreset yet? did I make the Prophet recovery? (remove battery and sim card),
2. will the USB port of my PC currently too heavy loaded?

3. did I restart my PC yet?
4. any connection related software other than activesync is running?

5. did I try the rear panel USB ports?
5.1 is my PC currently too busy?

6. did I try other USB cable yet?
7. did I try the force bootloader manually before upgrade?

8. Did I hardreset my prophet after new flash(if everything had done but no help~~~~ ) ^_^

BE NOTED: there are issues about the PC performance, will get connection errors after
messing up with PC software, better stop from giving up too easily.

thanks to all my friends at xda-developers

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

5 Kunci Sukses Memotret Bunga Layaknya Fotografer

Tips & Tricks
5 Kunci Sukses Memotret Bunga Layaknya Fotografer

Bunga adalah salah satu obyek yang menarik untuk diambil gambarnya di dunia fotografi. Tak perlu menjadi fotografer profesional untuk bisa mendapatkan foto-foto bunga yang bagus. Tak perlu juga pergi jauh-jauh ke negara lain untuk mencari bunga yang indah.

Ada beberapa faktor yang perlu Anda perhatikan pada saat mengambil foto bunga tersebut. Simak beberapa triknya berikut ini yang diramu detikINET dari Worldstart, Rabu (4/6/2008):

1. Cahaya
Bagus tidaknya hasil foto bunga yang Anda bidik salah satunya bergantung pada faktor cahaya. Konon katanya waktu paling baik untuk memotret bunga adalah pada saat siang hari. Namun sebenarnya itu adalah waktu paling buruk karena cahaya matahari lagi kuat-kuatnya sehingga bisa mengaburkan hasil foto dan membentuk bayangan.

Sebaiknya Anda memotret bunga pada saat pagi hari atau sore hari ketika cahaya matahari tidak terlalu cerah, agar hasil foto bunga yang Anda ambil warnanya lebih keluar.

2. Titik Fokus
Tentukan titik fokus obyek yang Anda akan ambil, entah itu sekumpulan bunga berwarna-warni atau hanya setangkai bunga. Perhatikan bagian apa saja yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam frame Anda. Perhatikan juga background atau foreground obyek, jangan sampai ada hal-hal yang mengganggu. Jika background ataupun foreground obyek dirasa tidak menarik, lebih baik mencari titik fokus yang lain.

3. Jangan Goyang
Kadangkala, secara tak sadar tangan sering goyang saat Anda tengah memotret. Walhasil hasil gambar ada yang kabur. Ini wajar-wajar saja. Untuk itulah, disarankan Anda memakai tripod untuk mengurangi sindrom tangan bergoyang sehingga gambar yang dihasilkan bisa terlihat lebih baik.

4. Sudut dan Jarak
Jangan memotret bunga hanya dari satu sisi saja. Disarankan untuk berputar mengelilingi bunga tersebut dan tidak hanya diam di satu tempat. Coba juga mengambil foto obyek tersebut dengan berbagai sudut ketinggian, baik dari atas, sama, atau lebih rendah dari obyek. Perhatikan pula jarak Anda berdiri saat akan mengambil foto dengan obyek yang difoto.

5. Libatkan Obyek Lain
Sebuah foto akan terlihat lebih hidup jika kita bisa mengambil obyek tersebut dengan frame-frame yang unik. Jadi jangan hanya memotret bunganya saja, tapi cari cara yang unik untuk memotret bunga tersebut. Misalnya dengan melibatkan obyek lain yang ada di sekitarnya seperti ranting anggur, serangga yang ada di bunga, sehingga hasil gambarnya lebih menarik.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

WM5 to WM6.1

Cara mengupgrade WM6 yang lama sudah tidak berguna. Berikut ini adalah cara mengupgrade WM5 ke WM6 yang baru.

Harap ikuti langkah - langkah berikut satu persatu dengan baik.
Langkah 3 dan langkah 4 , hanya dibutuhkan apabila ROM yang menggunakan OS.nb dan Folder Ext.ROM

1. Download dan ekstrak datanya

Update Package - Rapidshare

Update Package -

Kalo anda belom melakukan HARD SPL, ada baiknya kalian melakukannya.Tapi apabila anda melakukannya, anda tidak perlu melakukannya lagi di flashing ROM berikutnya.( Untuk ROM jenis lain.)
Hubungkan XDA dengan Active Sync. 4.5, kemudian jalankan HardSPL.bat di dalam Folder \ HARD SPL ( Terima kasih kepada Prislav).

HardSPL.bat akan melakukan Soft SPL, dan kemudian HARD SPL. Jadi SOFT SPL tidak perlu lagi dilakukan secara manual.

Sebelum melakukan penginstalan, beberapa hal yang perlu anda ketahui :
SPL ( Second Program Loader ) adalah boot loader. SPL mirip seperti BIOS di komputer yang bisa diupdate dan diaktualisasi.

G3 atau G4

Apabila anda merestart ulang PPC anda, di layar kiri terdapat angka yang dapat dibaca. Yang pertama adalah Versi IPL dengan format #.##.000# (# bisa angka apa saja).
Versi IPL 0001 adalah PPC G4, dan versi IPL 0000 adalah PPC G3.
Contoh :
2.20.0001 = PPC G4
2.20.0000 = PPC G3

Apabila sudah di HARD SPL tulisannya akan berubah menjadi 2.G4.4PDA untuk PPC G4 atau 2.G3.4PDA untuk PPC G3

Alasan melakukan HardSPL karena Phone memeriksa CID PPC berasal. Normalnya ROM dari satu negara tidak bisa digunakan di negara lainnya.

3. Membuat Extension ROM.nb
( Maksimal adalah 10 MB)

  • Buka Folder Update_Package\Create Extended Rom\Winimage Trial dan jalankan winimage.exe.
  • Buka File Create Extended Rom\extrom-base\extende_rom.nb dengan winimage.exe. Didalamnya anda akan melihat "You should put your files here". Hapus file itu!!
  • Buka file Ext.ROM yang akan anda buat. ( dapat dilihat di keterangan gambar nanti)Di kebanyakan WM6 disini biasanya terdapat Ext.ROM Folder. Letaknya biasanya terdapat dekat Upgrade_ROM.bat .
  • Buat semua file didalam Ext.ROM menjadi read only.( klik kanan mause, properties dan read only dicentang. Klik Ok) PENTING!!!
  • Kembali ke winimage.exe ,klik Image/ Inject a folder. ( isi dengan data dari folder Ext.ROM WM6 anda)
  • Simpan extende_rom.nb

4. Mengubah os.nb dan extended_rom.nb menjadi nk.nbf

  • Buka Folder Update_Package\Create Nk.nbf dan run nb2nbf.exe
  • Ubah Model ID dari Wizard menjadi Prophet
  • CID filed harus dikosongkan!! Tetapi anda bisa memasukan angka berapa saja untuk versi OEM.
  • Pilih "File #1" , cari data extended_rom.nb yang sudah anda buat di langkah 3.
  • Isi start address dengan 9B000000
  • Ketik Extension Rom untuk Image name (Extension Rom bukan Extended Rom)!!! Tetapi anda juga bisa menulis Extension selain Extension Rom.
  • Pilih "File #2" cari data the os.nb yang anda download.
  • Pilih OS dari Image Name drop down box
  • Pilih lokasi dimana anda akan menyimpan file (nk.nbf)
  • Tekan Translate button (tombol translate) dipojok kanan layar.

5. Flashing file nk.nbf

  • Menggunakan ROMUpdateUtility_NV_G3.exe atau ROMUpdateUtility_NV_G4.exe anda dapat memflash nk.nbf file yang anda buat (atau download). File ini terdapat di Folder Update_Package\Update_Package\Update Utilities .
  • Copy data nk.nbf yang sudah anda buat sebelumnya ke Folder Update_Package\Update_Package\Update Utilities. Ikuti petunjuk yang ada di layar.

Keuntungan menggunakan cara baru ini :

  • Lebih banyak STORAGE area ! Semakin kecil file os.nb , semakin besar storage anda!
  • Normal file os.nb (in kb) adalah 58,368. Jadi keuntungan storage yang didapat adalah [Besar file normal (58,368 kb)} - {besarnya file os.nb kalian}.(hanya untuk gambaran saja)
  • Cepat dan cukup aman untuk flashing dan upgrade PPC.

dopod818pro hard reset

dopod818pro hard reset

How to make a PROPER Hard Reset?

Method 1:

1. Press Camm & Comm button simultaniously. Keep them pressed.

2. Punch the little hole at the bottom with the stylus for a second or two.

3. Release the stylus (keep the buttons pressed!)

4. A white text-message appears on a black screen, telling you to press the send button

5. press the green button(the one you press to make a call).

6. Now, release the Camm & Comm buttons

7. The message on the screen tells you some more about formatting.

8. Release every button, you are done!

The OS has been reinstalled on your phone (it's like formatting your hard drive and install a new Windows).

Method 2:

1. Open "Today => Settings => Clear Storage"

2. Enter "1234" as instructed

3. Hit "YES" in the bottom-bar